Friday, February 8, 2008

The Best Team Website I've Seen So Far

If you were wondering what was going through Steve Kerr's head when he traded Marion for Shaq, we now have the answer: Pepperoni.

-At least that's what appears to be at the forefront of his mind in the spellbindingly bizarre Virtual Phoenix Locker Room online, easily my favorite whacked out basketball website this year.  Kerr starts the intro to the site (at least when I clicked on it) talking emphatically into a phone about how he needs to make a move that's in the best interest of the team.  Quickly he reveals he's talking about what type of pizza to order, and from there it just gets weirder.

There is a security gorilla guarding the door, Leandro Barbosa waxes poetic with daily affirmations, and Steve Nash talks in length about Dirk Nowitzki.  If you ever had the urge to see Steve Kerr yell at the mascot that the locker room is for players only, you are in luck. 

By far my favorite part is when you go into the virtual office of Mike D'Antoni, who looks like he was practically tied to his chair and forced to say his lines by Suns management.  Here are two gems, straight from D'Antoni's mouth:

"What's a five letter word for exit? Leave!  No, I'M SERIOUS! LEAVE!"


"You know the difference between you and me? That's right - moustache."

-And as a bonus, for absolutely no reason at all, the tv in D'Antoni's room is constantly tuned to Shark Week on the Discovery Channel.

Simply wonderful.  I urge you to check out this site as soon as possible, dear reader.

Suns, you may have made one of the more boneheaded trades of the season, but I'll be damned if I don't like the work you're doing on the web.


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